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I, your defender

I can feel your tears drown my body, feels like a cold shiver in the wind
I can see your sorrow, your fear off the charging legion
I was send here from the place I belong to protect you, to keep you safe free from sadness
I agree my wings are as dark as a winter night, but it don’t matter, I am still your defender

I have the moon as my ally, I have swear an oath to the stars, the oath off angels
I will do everything from my magic powers to my physical strength to give you happiness, to stop those legions
The oath is give you refuge behind my sword, to give you a shoulder to cry on

I will fight for you with my full passion, with full strength until all the legions is vanquish
Or until the last breath flee my lungs, the last drop of blood left my dark angel heart
Fight for you until my dark wings are turned into ashes

With this knowledge I say to you:
No matter what you do, No matter where you are, No matter what you say.
I will always be here to fulfil my purpose, to defend you

Fri vers av byggpoeten
Läst 106 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-04-22 20:19

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