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War in me

They are now summon, all angels and demons for a struggle off the very inner self

The fight will establish which man I will become, which path I shall follow
The howls from the war echo through my bones, whipping my heart to a stressful nightmare
I will in this dream stand like a passive spectator, just looking, felling, try to keep away from the war

From the very start of the war until the freedom giving end off me, I can't say which side shall win

I just hope this war will make me a better man
I just hope this war will make me whole
I just hope this war will make me strong enough, so I can hold on to what I want.
Strong enough to hold on to you

Fri vers av byggpoeten
Läst 126 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-04-25 20:22

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