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Black sheep

Society look at me like a black and lost sheep
In there eyes I have stroll away from the path that all walk on
They see me with contempt in there look, see me as strange, as someone not worthy

I have from my time was young have to hear that I'm dangerous, that evil rest in my heart

I look at this people with a confused heart, with a frightened mind
In this world of mine, I'm not strange, I'm not evil
I try my best to please everyone and everything, but that is not the way I am

You can make fun of me all you want
You can called me lost, confused, but you'll be wrong

I am not a lost black sheep
I am just a black sheep in seek of my own home, of my own family, of my own pack

Fri vers av byggpoeten
Läst 90 gånger
Publicerad 2014-04-27 18:08

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