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Drowsing future

Its boiling inside of me, this feeling I try to put to sleep
I feel it wrath, its speaking softly to me, asking me to follow
All roars I can hear in the night asking me to come, I struggle with myself not to
The scent and the sound makes me furious, I have giving a oath to not be that

I try my hardest, I give in to that one I try to be
I fighting to have the feeling at sleep

I don't know what is going to happen, I can't see the future

Will I hold my feeling in sleep, or will I go with this pleasant fury, I honestly don't know
My mind says one thing my heart and soul another

The thing that I am is drowsing in my dream

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Läst 170 gånger
Publicerad 2014-04-28 21:19

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