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bright star

In the bright light of the one true star a lonely heart is strolling down the path
The heart feel just loneliness, just the love of pain

From the clearness of the sky a thunderbolt broke the way of the path
At the edge of the crack, the heart see the gate of hell and just feel emptiness

from the depth of the crack an enchanted ice wind of love drowns the heart in a flood of love

From the darkest place in the heart, the cold felling of lonely love open all doors, break the walls

The Heart starts to cry and feel despair in in its loneliness
A dark beam from the moon land on the path, the heart look up, and gaze its eyes on the angelic one that has landed, the heart feels the cold love wind starts to burn,
The heart feels that despair goes away, fell the love for you..

Fri vers av byggpoeten
Läst 140 gånger
Publicerad 2014-04-29 20:19

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