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Endless WAR

All warlords can tell you, war will never stop
All soldier can tell you, you will never stop bleeding

All wars is meant to be for freedom, for peace, for love
All of us know that its not the way it is

Some of the wars is fought far away
For land, for oil, for power
Not for freedom, peace or love

Some wars are fought on our shores
For land, for power, for money
Not for freedom, peace or love

Despite all the raining bullets
Despite all the bloody blades
The most important war is our own

Our won war is always for freedom, peace and love
I have since my first breath battle my demons, going to war against myself
I can't say that I won, I can't say that I lost
I can see my war is eternal, but one cause is achieved

I rather have war in my own freedom instead of being a slave in another man's peace

Fri vers av byggpoeten
Läst 141 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-05-02 19:57

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