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From burning snow and frozen sun it all arrived
It came to me like a blessing from the underground, like a thunderbolt from a clear summer sky

I didn't see it coming, didn't know if I would embrace it or run

If I would surrender to it or if I would stand my ground and fight with flaming sword

I didn't even know if that was danger or relief that was coming, didn't know if it would lift me up or struck me down

I decide to stand and wait, decided to be prepared to fall and hope for a blessing
As I saw the blessing come to me with a furious speed, braking the ice, enlighten the stones I understand

Calm I sad to my self, this is my life, this is my paradise, only me is here to control my faith

Fri vers av byggpoeten
Läst 124 gånger
Publicerad 2014-05-02 20:05

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