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Lost in life

Life can be in a blur from time to time
We look back, can't see where we are coming from
We look forward, can't see where we are going
We look around, can't see where we are

When we feel that time is of the essence, a mist can come creeping on the ground
Its make our past dusky, our future to a shadow
We risk loosing ourself as the sight of our feet fade away
In this, the most confused hour, tears are not far away

Do with me so we can be free
Inhale slowly, exhale slowly

Open your heart and see your self as the god of mist
Keep your dreams in your mind, and then your feet will reveal them self on your path

Fri vers av byggpoeten
Läst 168 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2014-05-11 21:26

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