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Spoken word.

Glittering algae

Welcome to the
drugged down
world nation

- you may get
lost in whatever
gives you pleasure -

and live in the illusion
of an 'awakening'

- yet you are sleeping
soundly in your bed
while the world keeps
turning and your heart's
- welcome to the
drugged down world nation
we have a flag - it is covered
in glitter to keep you spellbound
and take your mind away from
what really matters -

It comes in the most beautiful
colors - anything to distract your
mind - yet you do not know you
are being distracted - you don't
feel anymore - you think - you
think - and you - think you feel
but the truth is - you do neither
- and that is exactly how we want
you - that is the place we want
you to be in - that is the state of
mind where we prefer you -

like a still pond - and then
the algae can grow and thrive
and take you with them as you
slowly lose your mind - without
even knowing -

We are here to collect
your heart and your
mind - which you so
- kindly and - willingly
are giving away

- bit by bit

It is - a pleasure
to welcome you
all further into
the - drugged down
world nation

while some of you
will continue to
sleep soundly

a few are waking up
and take their eyes
away from the glitter
that dazzles their vision
- but the question remains

how many of you does
it take - to see through
the illusions - and take
the bull by the horns?

Time will show

- and meanwhile

- the fog captures
every man who walks
around in the enchanted
forest - and eats him

- alive

Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av Nina.K
Läst 247 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2014-05-30 23:38

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  Larz Gustafsson VIP
Real glitter comes from your eyes.

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