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this is me, again

I am

I am you
I have always been you
I am my self
I but still, haven\'t I always been my self?
The word are flying
Out of my head I builded my self like an angel
Though I know I most certanily remind my self of the devil.
But why this words?
Why this hunger for more?
You give me no end
You started this by leting me in to your heart, but now insted of leting me live, you try so hard to push me out.
Oh Lord you really got me this time, the love you promised me, the love you told me to guard.
It is not really there is it?
It have never really been there has it?
No, as I try to go on, to live again, i am trying so hard not to let this dark side of mine get to me.
The words are here again, but this time I can hear them clear.
I cant get out, I cant escape.
The words will eventually drive me crazy.
And then what?
Will I begine to live?
Will I die like an old misstreated flower?
I think not

Fri vers av Mudd
Läst 281 gånger
Publicerad 2006-04-10 13:10

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