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Dissolution from a free man's own locked mental institution (it take's a fool to remain sane)

A story of the glory in ruined men's search for purgatory

hey brain!
ye old crazy train!

thy endless rollercoaster
of mad man medicine loopin through thy vein

yer a bad planning wedding toaster
i now pronounce you Insane

i had a brain from the start
trying to poison it til death do us apart
a sad soul
an endless pain
the tragic ills from
the magic pills
the nostalgic thrils of alcohol

hey head!
ye saddest tale I've ever read!

yer tracks all lead to the same end station
a place where the boss is angry burning red
hell is my only final destination

each track's just a variety
in different kinds of anxiety
from different levels of fuck society

now I'm bored, so everyone onboard?!
me, myself n' I all thought it sounded well worth
we, ourselves n thy all bought first class tickets from this hell on earth

Hey head! Drop dead!!
Hey brain! Stop the pain!
Hey train! Tears shall rain!

human breed, just for yer greed,
and for yer disgusting lazy human vanity,
we all deserve to bleed.
If ye understand some of this society, anxiety is yer creed

One born into this world must truly be crazy to avoid insanity;

the dumb
the numb
Tom Thumb

flerspråkig fritidsfilosof

Fri vers av Bo H Bazooka
Läst 195 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2016-01-10 12:58

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Bo H Bazooka
Bo H Bazooka