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Peptalk - Just Do it!

2016-09-29: Peptalk:

"Cheer up woman! You don´t need those negative people around you. You do not deserve a negative enviroment that can affect your emotions the wrong way. You are not like them, and do not let them in. Filter your surroundings, and hold your head high. They can´t reach you with their bad behaviour. It´s not your fault, and you are not to blame for their low intellect and low knowledge of how to behave.

Either they hate you or love you, you have a win here - both ways, because your name is always on their minds. You are, and they don´t. Embrace your inner soul with strength (you know you have it in you), and keep on going forward. Shake their evil words and actions off, and remember that you are unique and special.

Do not ever let them bring you down. Put that lovely smile of yours on your face and let those amazing eyes sparkle. Remember that you are of worth, and nothing they say or do can destroy you. You can do this, so lets DO IT. Let yourself live to your fullest, and keep on beeing a free spirit that makes you glow. You are in title to that.

Because you are a woman with strength and confidence. You are a survivor. Do not let negativity in. Do not open the door for negativity. Put your own and your childrens happiness first, and be as good as you can be as a woman and as a mother to your children, and as a friend to those close to you. That is all what counts. That is all what matters. Grow your strenght daily, and seek only for whats good for you and your two boys. Give love and be kind. Be you. You are of worth."

Bild: Jag - Se min fotokonst https://www.instagram.com/kristina0179/


Prosa av Valkyria-Fatale
Läst 292 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2016-09-29 15:53

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  S.A.I. Steve Lando VIP
ni är gudinnor ock skola behandlas som det, all negativism gentemot er bör prompt förbjudas
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