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Beskyller mig själv för att mina kompisar inte brydde sig, och ber dem om ursäkt för det..


. . . . . . Sorry . . . . . .
I overreacted.
It\'s my fault,
that we no longer are as good friends as we once were.
I was really mean to you.
That wasn\'t fair.
I just had a bad day that day.
One of the worst i ever have had.
I was pissed of on everything and everyone.
I needed my friends that day.
But you partied without me.
You thought i didn\'t want to go.
But apparently you thought anton would.
And you really shouldn\'t have to drag around on me.
If you don\'t want to,
and might just think i am in the way
or something else.
I can be alone.
I was used to that.
You should have the rights to hang out without me.
I\'ll give you that from now on.
I promiss.
I have become to dependent on people.
I need to be little more independent again.
I think i allready am.
I was just so glad i finally got friends.
But that is no reason to occupie you all the time.
You have your own lives.
Without me.
So sorry i overreacted.

Fri vers av emepuma
Läst 371 gånger
Publicerad 2006-05-15 15:55

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