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what real friends can mean


Because of you...
I don\'t no what to do.
I saw your mistakes and miseries.
Promises myself to do everything in my power to not repeat it.
i find it hard to trust, not only others but also myself.
I fake smiles and laughs every day of my life.
Don\'t hold people to close my heart.
That was before you guys come around. ´
You saw right through my shell.
I tried to hide and even be mean to you.
But you stood by my side as rocks.
I let you get to know me.
And learn to trust you.
But now will you soon be gone.
I\'ll be lonely and fake happiness again.
With you i don\'t have to fake anything.
I faked a laughs.
I faked smiles.
I faked a life.
Everything in my life is faked except you.
You changed me, taught me to live.
*Because of you.*

Fri vers av emepuma
Läst 418 gånger
Publicerad 2006-05-23 20:51

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