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the road to freedom

Walk Along The Road vers2

when I´m walking the road i always stop to see the signs/

because i know that I will reach the top free my mind/

P-Town souljah yesterday, now, tomorrow all the time/

my bro´s are loyal always helps me to be strong and fight/

when the road is long my family always got my back/

those I´m lucky to have when i suffer so bad/

rocking so mad yeah I know you feel this/

fuck it! lets dance move to this real shit/

old school like weed hits from an empty can/

face it man! when i rock the ladies dance/

941ers the greatest band! a part of the solution/

so let´s unite to night and start the revolution/

AFA the movement know how to spread the fire/

take you higher like AD my real graffiti writers/

bomb the shitstem! the politrix are real fucking liars/

only wish that the peoples soon will se the light yo/

and walk the right road..

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Sebastian A.K Hagman Sundström Lejonsjäl
Läst 255 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2017-06-18 12:22

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Sebastian A.K Hagman Sundström Lejonsjäl
Sebastian A.K Hagman Sundström Lejonsjäl