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even if you're 20 feet deep you can climb up

20 Feet Deeper

even if you're 20 feet deep you can climb up/
feel the heat from the sun when rain have stopped/
you can see when you're blind if you don´t give up/
my friend read every line on your notes and stuff/

and focus now what you learned from your dope ass lines/
you where 20 feet down now you're 20 feet up/
flying in the sky with everyone you love/
singing real nice to the whole fucking world/

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Sebastian A.K Hagman Sundström Lejonsjäl
Läst 296 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2019-09-08 15:45

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Sebastian A.K Hagman Sundström Lejonsjäl
Sebastian A.K Hagman Sundström Lejonsjäl