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Jag va ska jag säga om denna dikt... läs den för va den är inte va den ser ut att vara. eller nå sånt... skrev den med lite ironi i sig... men folket i dag är väldigt dömande.. tråkigt..

Seek comfort to the lord they say...

Seek comfort to the lord, they say
Seek strenght and hope, just pray
The God I believe, is within us all
The God I believe, wouldn\'t let anyone fall
So much ignorence surround, so much hate
And I wonder where is the faith?
Where is the faith in love and human kindness
The world is getting darker because of our blindness
God loves us all, so they say
But you rather not be lesbian or gay
Because in the bible that\'s wrong
God gave Adam and Eve, so the preachers says in their song
But who  are they to say
That love is born in a cetertain  way
People are afraid of what they don\'t know
So hate start to grow from below
I\'ll never understand those who hate because of wrong
colour, or different sexuality
But that\'s just todays realit y
It sadness me that most of us human kind
Still is ignorent and blind
Why not listen and reach out a hand?
Why not be open and try to understand?
Why not see people for who they are?
Because inside us all there is a bright shining star!
Everyone can choose in their mind what\'s right or wrong
But only you can decide which words will be  in your song
I already know what mine would be
Because I\'m open-minded and I have goodness and strength
inside of me...

Fri vers av xAnGeLx
Läst 235 gånger
Publicerad 2006-08-01 17:20

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