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Your story




Your story, it can never be diminished

because it doesn’t fit the standard mould.

Because your story hasn’t yet been told

is why you yet don’t know the splendid finish.


The steps that take you to your promised land

will sometimes hurt and sometimes leave you lost.

But like a seed that by the wind is tossed,

your fruitful soil is just as good unplanned.


The storm that brings you to your newfound field

will leave you shaken and can leave you stirred.

But your own story hasn’t yet been heard,

you are the author, it will be revealed.


The chapters that you now will start to write

will all be worth the liberating fight.










Bunden vers (Sonett) av OmE VIP
Läst 126 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2023-08-11 22:59

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