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Missing Time

I say goodbye old job, old friends.
A new time with new pain... (something i don´t want.)

Missing every step i took and
something behind is waving at me... (please forgive!)

Everything in the past is now a shadow,
A whisper and a heavy suggestion... (but you are my memory)

Here are no security but now I
see exitsigns everywhere....

A pale phantom rises inside,
something is missing and thoughts collide... (choices are so many)

Am I now only a pathetic figure?
A slave to time and a drifter... (so few answers)

The unbalanced youth that we are,
Here is where we part,
what is the time so far?..
(we were heroes)
Disabled by myself,
I am a no-one,

Fri vers av Mique
Läst 466 gånger
Publicerad 2007-04-06 23:06

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