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Jag hade en dålig dag på jobbet helt enkelt...

When things go wrong...

Is this what I\'ve become?
A hopeless, useless bum.
Oh how could I be so dumb?
I feel like a worthless piece of scum.
Everyday is the same routine
I wake up and drink my caffeine.
Take a shower, make sure I\'m clean
Then off to work to earn my green.
I arrive and put on my uniform
I put a jacket on if there is a storm
Leave it in the locker if I\'m too warm.
Then out to work and perform.
Change the guests cash
They\'re annoying like a bad rash.
Some of them are nothing but trash
At times their head I wanna smash.
I look forward to the break
Cause standing up too long make my feet ache.
Sometimes I make a money-changing mistake
But I\'m only human for Gods sake.
After work I\'m worn out and tired
I go on the bus and find out my buscard has expired.
I\'m not happy with how things have transpired.
Tomorrow I\'m gonna kill a guest and get my ass fired.

Fri vers av Roziie
Läst 215 gånger
Publicerad 2007-10-10 22:54

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