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My Life

My life\'s been full of ups and downs
Went from smiles to frowns
I\'ve been with whites and browns*
In school I learned about verbs and nouns
I\'ve had straight A\'s
Went withoud food for days
I have a job that pays
My life is interesting in many ways
I\'ve met my share of people
I believe that men and women are equal
Throughout all the years
I\'ve shed a lot of tears
I sang along to songs by Britney Spears
Losing someone I love is one of my biggest fears
I\'ve been close to dying
I hate when my mom\'s crying
I don\'t like when people are lying
But I do that too, that\'s nothing I\'m denying

Fri vers av Roziie
Läst 207 gånger
Publicerad 2007-10-10 23:18

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