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Life is a struggle

Life will always be a struggle
You gotta fight to get by
Can\'t just sit home with ur love and snuggle
It will be like this until the day you die
No matter how much you got
There is always something missing
You might have a big expensive yacht
But no one that you could be kissing

No matter how nice you are
Someone\'s gonna dislike you
They might scratch your car
Or they will just ignore you.
But you can still feel their hatred
You can see it in their eyes
They probably wished you were dead
You just feel you\'re despised.

During your lifetime you\'ll lose friends
Because you\'ve done them wrong
You thought you\'d be friends till the end
But you gotta move on and be strong
Try to keep the memories alive
Remember what made you happy
Life will go on and you will survive
Even though losing them makes you feel crappy

Out of something bad comes something good
Just be positive
And remember to knock on wood

Fri vers av Roziie
Läst 241 gånger
Publicerad 2007-10-10 23:21

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Inga krusiduller, jag kände mig träffad! Inget att missförstå där, det är sant det du skriver. Man behöver små wake up calls ibland. Tacksam för det! Bra!
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