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En dikt som har en djupare mening än ytan.

When the caged angel sings for the last time

Chrystals of sadness floods down,
thy cheeks
The body of thine ribs is aching for,
not being there.

Voices mixing in a wonderful song sung
by angels
But even so voice is filled with longing,
for thine warmth.

Long to fly to thine side but am
bound by chains
Inside the dark, lonesome cage,
they put me in.

Slowly chrystals of ruby dripps down,
from eyes
A pool of liquid rubies tainting,
wings of white

Feathers, now of red, is gently crusing to
the cage floor
And it\'s suddenly even darker since the light,
is gone.


But who notices one vanishing light

When there are so many others

Fri vers av skyddsängeln
Läst 299 gånger
Publicerad 2008-03-08 18:00

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