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Leave Me Alone

Don't talk to me, I wanna be left alone
I've locked all the doors and disconnected my phone
Don't bother coming by 'cuz I won't let you inside
Don't try to find me 'cuz I'll just run and hide
I've pulled the curtains, I've turned off the light
I no longer know if it's day or night
The kitchen is a mess, the dishes are piled up in the sink
I'm shuttíng everyone out so I can be alone and think
I need to clear my thoughts, I need to get away
Don't try to talk me out of it 'cuz I won't listen to what you say
So save your breath and leave me be
I need some space so I can be set free
I'm not crazy, but I'm not doing well
Lately my life has been a living hell
Just give me some time, 'cuz that's all I need
Let me heal my heart that has started to bleed

Fri vers av Roziie
Läst 266 gånger
Publicerad 2008-08-06 23:02

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