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Harassment, pain that kills from inside.

About a Girl

A little girl walking down the street.
The icecold wind is blowing strait in her face and goes through all her thin clothing and deep into her skin.
All her body fluids is slowly turning to ice, but even though all that she is still colder inside.
Words, hatred and lonleyness flowing through her and taking away all all her good memories and leave her all by her self, slolwy tear her apart.
On the sidewalk, stuck between the fierce line of cars and the hard rock of the buildings, there are bloodstains and broken glass.
Barefoot she walks and time after time she cuts her feet red.
Thorns come from all corners of the streets, trying to catch her, take her with them and scrathes the little girls body so she is miscolored by her own blood.
Her skin is red and blue and rain is keep pouring down on her, taking away the blood to make place for new and freezes on her skin as tiny red pearls.
Her tears mixes with the rain and her blood. Some of them falls down on the sidewalk and some freezes on her cheek on the way down, creating tunnels of red down the girls face.

But she continues to walk, slolwy, trying to awoid the glasses, trying to move away from all the thorns and looking forward, hoping to meet the sun when she gets there and feel the warmth of it.

Bullying and freeze out is harsh, and it can hurt people badly. Be against it, take care of each other, save the many people who is just like the girl, they don't deserved to be treated that way.

Do something good, and make someone smile today - you will all benefit from that.

Övriga genrer av FridaF
Läst 154 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-11-19 00:11

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