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En dikt om min kärlek till min älskade Rille!! <3<3

Find You

Didn't thought that I wood fall
Expected myself to stand so tall
Thought that I could fly away
Tried to forget that there was another way

And now you’re gone, I can’t find you
And my memories are faded
Why are things so complicated?

Find you
Can’t you tell my where you are?
Find you,
Just tell me where you are

Love, it’s a simple word for pain
It’s like sunshine before rain
Before you know it’s all gone
And you’re alone

‘Cause you’re gone, I can’t find you
And my memories are faded
Why are things so complicated?

Find you
Can’t you tell my where you are?
Find you,
Just tell me where you are

Well, maybe I’m just me
Nothing more than I can be
But, I still wish I could
Find you

Fri vers av Nagini
Läst 214 gånger
Publicerad 2008-12-20 23:16

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