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Många inspirationskällor här. Allt från Dylan Thomas till mina andra poetiska vänner. Skrevs för övrigt på Kreta.

De Corazón Espinado - 15 juli 2008

It’s all fake
I think I know what I want
But I can’t
Because my mind is set
On what I can’t get
I don’t even know what I need
For Catharsis I always greed
Bohemian illusions
Pulls me to conclusions
Illusions that sicken me in the end
Why do I always pretend
It’s what I want
Is it what I want?

It must be fake
Why else would wise men always know dark is right?
Does the world share no light?
It’s the greatest conspiracy of all
And the higher you go the further you fall
Since light raised me to the top,
Will the fall ever stop?

That’s why I tell myself it’s fake
Today, the truth is too hard for me to take
But I will not dive into that night
Because I know that even here, you've shed some light
And tomorrow, I will be reminded that it’s true,
Like every time we meet, because I love you

Fri vers av lxsl
Läst 183 gånger
Publicerad 2009-02-09 14:57

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