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So many moving,
so many spewing darkness.
So many smells attacking her.

She stood still now; the sky was covered in clouds.
The sun shone no more.
She remembered now.
She knew why she was at the freeway.
She knew what her mind tried to protect her from now.

She walked out, floated for a second or two.
She enjoyed it.
All weight disappeared in a moment,
taking the pain along,
leaving no trace of it.

The girl watched the fabric for a brief moment,
before turning her gaze up to the sun.
The sky was beautiful.
As the ground touched her, she felt no more.

The sky was still blue, the sun shone bright.

The lily withered and got crushed, by a tire.

The smile did not fade again.

The silence was absolute.

It was spring.

Prosa (100-ordare) av Tenshinhan
Läst 249 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-03-17 22:35

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