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Den här dikten handlar om kriget i landet. Kriget som fortsätter och fortsätter utan en enda utväg. Tycker det är väldigt tragiskt hur folk kan se våld som en lösning, även här i Sverige när dom ser hur våldet har lett i vissa länder.

Got to think twice.

Why are you fighting when you see the war outside?
Doesnt it already kills you?
Dont you wanna make a different in this life
dont you wanna make a future to your child?
Cant you find a better way to end this daily hate..?

So please drop your guns and drop your knife and let your hands rest.
Drop your hate and drop the way you see on this life .
Look at your family, then look at urself.. Is this the way you want it?
Is this the way you get your respect..?

The pain keeps glowing inside the kids brown eyes, cant u see?
The struggle keeps holding back the kids happiness in life, havent u noticed? There's a 6 years old child holding your gun and waiting on you enemy who'll always come back.

Your son lay's in bed, waiting on you. You promised him to come back. His hope was strong but its getting all weak. 10 years old now, still have to worry how long he'll survive. Is this the way you want it, is this the way u get your respect..?

Fri vers av Noomi Sjöberg.
Läst 241 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2011-02-28 14:36

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Noomi Sjöberg.
Noomi Sjöberg.