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To dirt I will become

Star filled skyes over the deep green field
Shimmering light, diamondlike in the sky
fragile straws of grass, crushed under my feet
before I lay down, can I have your hand

Oh, so free. But yet so traped
In a chamber called life
Bars and barb wire is keeping me locked in
All i want to do is break free
But everytime I try it hurts

I don't even notice you anymore
Why are you so far away
but yet so close?
I can't feeel your hand anymore
so let go, go away and leve me here to fade away

To dirt I will become
But that´s nothing I havent been before
I will lay here forever
So if you need me
or if you have to find me.
Just come here and lay down on me
I'll be here. I will always be here.

Fri vers av OnepieceofAnna
Läst 227 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-01-06 14:01

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