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or buyouncy (friendship)...


Så fint, så intimt, möjlig stimulans trots diskrepans.
Om nere man är, möjligheter att lyfta kanske någonting man bär, klor som river förbytta.
Ombytlig närhet öm som sann,
varaktig frihet - ledsen om den brann.
Spänd över tidsspann, min typ av klöver; sänd vidare det räcker och blir över.
Som musik ur ett fönster, snillrikt lockandes över
avstånd och gräsmattor, öppet strömmandes varmt klingande...

Hej får jag komma in?

Daydreaming in the evening, traveling levitating I saw a picture, and thought: this is good, I think this one is alright. Swooping effortlessly, glancing the whole took a second then opened the hole already ajar... As if in a movie, odds bizarre, invited to enter cinematic the kind of boudoir.

Yes we see, yes we do, yes we talk, yes we are. 'How can this be true? People don't act like this, is there something, really, that I've missed?'.
No man, it's all good and fine, please have some more fresh brine.
'Cool, do you go to this school?', yes I do. I'm not the only one to understand, we're becoming quite a few and it's very grand.
Picturesque and vivid, although timid, those were the words to describe, my being and giving of someone warm and great, Istanbul friend-heavy-weight.

...bildandes mönster, rikt och djupt. Förkunnat älskvärt, evigt fyllt.
Ömsesidigt skratt lekandes runt härligt roliga,
förhoppningsvis smarta, att med en konversation starta.
Bjuder på ett smil, ja vänskapspil, har du bågen redo att möta mitt outtömliga koger? För det här är mitt foder...

Weaving wand the blonde, thick with smoke in the room, so dope, spawned more to come.
The crumb quickly became a threesome, which in turn turned in to a foursome for some, pilgrim-like theorems, Akoo'd say yum-yum.
Welcoming events in a place so colourful, shady characters doubt it to be meaningful. Shady as I am, none the less not shady, in a manner of speaking - I'm not always peeking. Depending on how you look at it,
we all sat for a while, it might have been hours, even years, exchanging food for thought,
- when Akoo left I was shed to tears -
what joy it brought.
A fine sketch, trippy indeed, grateful as one can be, helpfully staying portraying transporting, bringing but not clinging, we're all winning.
For true, this be. I am me.

...broder, hemligheten är ingen hemlighet direkt.
Om ni så vill så blir vi till, tar inte mer än så. A slip chip, chandelier brightly bowing, the mixer sat by his equipment, readily, mixing music so out of this world, glowing.

Fri vers av Phantasos
Läst 227 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2012-04-29 07:59

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