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A text I wrote inspired by the music I am listening to right now.

Swing those hips!

Your smile is award winning
Your talk is sweet
Your eyes hold dreams
Some of which I know
Some only you know

You' re Mr. Charming to many
You can do the twist
You can sing the songs
Melting every girl's heart
For a fraction of a second
It feels like you are here with me

Mr. Cool guy on TV
With leather pants
And slick hair
Eyes as blue
as the ocean in a Fairy tale
You know the tricks
How to hit the chords

Mr. Cool guy on TV

The year is 1956
The sun is up
The crowd is there
To witness your moves
As you dance around on stage
All the girls
Screaming and crying
Desperate for a look
A wink
A second of attention
From Mr. Cool guy

I sit there in my 50' s dress
Lipstick and dancing shoes on
I try to capture that moving image
Of you - Rock'n roll on TV
Screaming girls
And me
All dressed up and ready to witness
The coolest guy on earth

As he swings those hips and do the twist
I grab my wrist and my heart goes jumping
around in my chest

Your smile is award winning
Your talk is sweet
Mr. Cool guy on TV

- The year is 1956

Fri vers av Nina.K
Läst 312 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-08-29 01:35

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