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among the smallest birds in the
world- the smallest extant bird-
Bee- Hummingbird-
measures only 5 cm;

they make humming sound
by beating fast with their wings;

they can hover in mid- air by
rapidly flapping wings 12- 80
times per second
(700- 5000 times per
minute, depending
on species);

they can fly backwards,
no other birds can!

they drink nectar, and are
very territorial when it comes
to food: once they founded a
consistent source of food,

they´ll fight off other
hummingbirds to maintain
complete dominance
over their place of food

while flying, and getting
water on them,
they shake their head
and body like dogs
are doing to shed

Övriga genrer av Tarantaran
Läst 115 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-09-02 16:02

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