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What would it be without you….

I´m sitting here seeing the sun going down.

I see an Eagle flying over the open field

Trees are showing their open leaves in the air,

But what would it be without you.

The Sun has it´s strength for you and for me.

Everything growing, vitamine is in the air.

Smiling faces and body´s on the top,

But what would it be without you.

Take my soul, take all I got,

Take my soul, take all I got,

Now take good care what you get on these sunny days.

In the dark black November refresh your memories.

Bring out the best of you to share with all your friends,

But what would it be without you.

But what would it be without you.

….what would it be without you.

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Ole Sunnerfjell
Läst 244 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2013-01-10 10:23

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Ole Sunnerfjell
Ole Sunnerfjell