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A huge part of all heavy is the weight of your thoughts / Taran - inspired of C. S. Lewis

Ordspråk och tankar om tänkande, mest på engelska

Tänka fritt är stort, men
tänka rätt är större.
/ Thomas Thorild

Ju mer man tänker, ju mer
inser man att det inte finns
något enkelt svar.
/ Nalle Puh - A.A. Milne

Vi börjar ha flera åsikter
när vi börjar tänka mindre.
/ Taran

I'm kind of good girl - and
I'm not. I'm a good girl
because I really believe in
love, integrity, and respect.
I'm a bad girl because I like
to tease. I know that I have
sex appeal in my deck of
cards. But I like to get people
thinking. That's what the stories
in my music do.
/ Katy Perry

What then do you call your soul?
What idea have you of it? You
cannot of yourselves, without
revelation, admit the existence
within you of anything but a
power unknown to you,
of feeling and thinking.
/ Voltaire

Meditation is the dissolution of
thought in Eternal awareness or
Pure conciousness without
objectification, knowing without
thinking, merging finitude in
/ Voltaire

No, no; you're not thinking,
just being logical.
/ Niels Bohr

Life's short. Anything could happen,
and it usually does, so there is no
point in sitting around thinking
about all ifs, ands and buts.
/ Amy Winehouse

Our thinking and our behaviour are
always in anticipation of a response.
They are therefore fear - based.
/ Deepak Chopra

The symbolic language of the crucifixion
is the death of the old paradigm;
resurrection is a leap into a whole new
way of thinking.
/ Deepak Chopra

Man is but a reed, the most feeble thing
in the nature, but he is a thinking reed.
/ Blaise Pascal

When women are depressed, they eat
or go shopping. Men invade another
country. It is a whole different way of
/ Elayne Boosler

Your tomorrow will let you wait for it,
if you're just thinking about your
yesterday all the time.
/ Charles Kettering

I was in a queer mood, thinking myself
very old: but now I am a woman again -
as I always am when I write.
/ Virginia Woolf

Oh, I just want what we all want:
a comfortable couch, a nice beverage,
a weekend of no distractions and a book
that will stop time, lift me out of my
quotidian existence and alter my
thinking forever.
/ Elisabeth Gilbert

I cannot help thinking that the menace
of Hell makes as many devils as the
severe penal codes of inhuman
humanity make villains.
/ Lord Byron

We need to change fundamentally how
we do business in Washington. We need
to reform our government so that it is
more efficient, more transparent, and
more creative. That will demand new
thinking and a new sense of responsi-
bility for every dollar that is spent.
/ Barack Obama

Faith is an oasis in the heart which will
never be reached by a caravan of
/ Kahlil Gibran

Very little is needed to make a happy
life: it is all within yourself, in your way
of thinking.
/ Marcus Aurelius

Thinking: the talking of the soul
with itself.
/ Plato

Man falls from the pursuit of the ideal
of plan living and high thinking the moment
he wants to multiply his daily wants. Man´s
happiness really lies in contentment.
/ Mahatma Gandhi

Guilt of being rich, and guilt thinking that
perhaps love and peace isn't enough and
you have to go and get shot or something.
/ John Lennon

We shall require a substantially new manner
of thinking if mankind is to survive.
/ Albert Einstein

There is nothing good or bad but thinking
makes it so.
/ William Shakespeare

Part of every misery is, so to speak, the
misery's shadow or reflection: the fact
that you don't merely suffer but have
to keep on thinking about the fact that
you suffer. You not only live each endless
day in grief, but live each day thinking about
living each day in grief.
/ C. S. Lewis

If you look for truth, you may find comfort
in the end; if you look for comfort you will
not get either comfort or truth, only soft
soap and wishful thinking to begin, and
in the end, despair.
/ C. S. Lewis

Övriga genrer (Aforism) av Tarantaran
Läst 1345 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2013-11-12 00:12

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