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ord om kärlek

True love is selfless. It is
prepared to sacrifice.
Sadhu Vaswani

Let the people who never
find true love keep saying
that there's no such thing.
Their faith will make it
easier for them to live
and die.
Wislawa Szymborska

Kärleken ser inte med
ögonen utan med
William Shakespeare

Considering that the
blessed life we so long for
consists in an intimate and
true love of God Our Creator
and Lord, which binds and
obliges us all to sincere love.
Ignatius Loyola

Kärleken är tålig och mild.
Kärleken avundas icke,
kärleken förhäver sig icke,
den uppblåses icke.
Den skickar sig icke ohöviskt,
den söker inte sitt.
Den förtörnas icke, den hyser
icke agg för en oförrätts skull.
Den gläder sig icke över
orättfärdigheten men har
sin glädje i sanningen.
Den fördrager allting, den tror
allting, den hoppas allting,
den uthärdar allting.
Bibeln, ur Kärlekens Lov

Kärleken är så förunderligt stark,
kuvas av intet i världen.
Rosor slår ut ur den
hårdaste mark, som sol över
mörka gärden.
Nils Ferlin

Only true love can fuel the hard
work that awaits you.
Tom Freston

The course of true love
never did run smooth.
William Shakespeare

All this time
The sun never says
To the Earth
" You owe me "
What happens
With a love like that
It lights the
/ Hafez

" This is love: to fly toward a
secret sky,
to cause a hundred veils to fall
each moment.
First to let go of life.
Finally, to take a step
without feet. "

Kärlek är en känsla som går
över alla andra, en naturkraft
som intet motstår, någonting
som blixten, flodvattnet,
vattenfallet, stormen.
August Strindberg

Det är alltid något vansinne
i kärleken,
men det är alltid något
förnuft i vansinnet.
Friedrich Niettzsche

To Love is human
to feel pain is human
get to still love
despite the pain
is pure Angel.

Your task is not to seek
for love, but merely to seek
and find the barriers
within yourself
that you have built against it.

There's a strange frenzy
in my head,
of birds flying,
each particle circulating
on its own.
Is the one I love everywhere?

I was dead,
then alive.
Weeping, then laughing.
The power of love came
into me,
and I became fierce
like a lion,
then tender like the evening star.

In the sea of serenity and purity,
I dissolved like salt.
Belief, unbelief, conviction, doubt -
none remained.
A star appeared inside my heart.
The seven heavens disappeared
in that star's light.

It is this love that holds everything
together. And, it is everything too!

I am your moon and your moonlight
too. I am your flower garden and
your water too.
I have to come all this way, eager
for you, without shoes or shawl.
I want you to laugh, to kill all your
worries, to love you, to nourish

The minute I heard my first love
story I started looking for you,
not knowing how blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet
They're in each other all along.

Övriga genrer av Tarantaran
Läst 393 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2013-11-13 02:32

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