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suicide note from a star

It's with sorrowful heart I write you all this world, I have tried but I cant take it any more

For ages I have looked down on you, and seen all the pain you have given.
I have seen you kill each other in the name of faith, because you all think that yours is the right one, and everyone that don't share it aren't worthy

I have seen you rape and exploit the planet who host you, and the only thing you give back is pain and diseases

It sickness me to see all you doing just for your benefit, not give a thought for those less fortunate or for the planet it self
You all do everything to expand you land, expand your wealth.
You can't see all those who suffer and dies because of you, you close your eyes and look another way

I have seen all the hate you have, that thing that make your race rotten, slowly destroy from the inner, from the heart

You all say that you have the most beautiful way with you, the way of love
But from my perspective even that is cold, angry, hateful and rotten
I have through my time seen people brake because of it, I have seen people grow dark because of it, I have even seen people die because of it. So how can that bee good, how can that be beautiful?

With this my last words I hope that you all will wake at last and stop abuse your world and each other
I hope you will see the glory and beauty of my fall, and with that in mind start to cherish life as the purest thing that it is
Now I'm going to leave my place on the sky and start my endless fall until my glow turn dark and slowly dies away

Fri vers av byggpoeten
Läst 131 gånger
Publicerad 2014-04-19 16:25

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