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till min förlorade Arvid


Imagination is the only game between you and me, my baby
I imagine your first cry, first smile
Your first step towards me
And your very first speaking "mama"
I imagine how you look like when you're 2, 5, and 10
I imagine your first day in school, and every of your best friends

Imagination is the only dream between you and me, my child
I imagine one day you come home and sad
Telling me the girl you like does not like you
I imagine your clean eyes and joyful laughs when we go out on vacation
I imagine your curiosity on animals, stories and many many things
I imagine you run marathon and fond of playing tennis
I imagine you're a kind caring sensitive young guy

Imagination is the only connection between you and me, my dearest
I imagine you at your high school gratuation, happy, healthy, handsome boy
I imagine you work as you wish, having freedom and creativity
I imagine your beautiful wife at your wedding
You dance with me telling me you're lucky
I imagine you have children and you're a wonderful dad as well as an excellent cook
I imagine you and your family send Christmas cards to me, lots of love

Imagination is the only gift I can offer you, my Arvid
A life full of dreams and fantasy
The beauty of it is that you can be at any age
A baby, a boy
Or a man getting old together inside me,
Until the day we meet again...

Fri vers (Fri form) av bluedröm VIP
Läst 135 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2015-06-18 14:07

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