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no longer a spliff in my hand that´s shit from the past/

like pills with a glass wine yes i mixed all that/

i was hunted by my own mind always spinning with facts/

of shit i can´t take back i was raging and mad/

babe it was sad how mush i hated my ass/

a big black hole in my soul and always out of cash/

yes drugs is bad it killed some of my best friends/

miss you guys so mush but you taught me a lesson/

i should live my life and don´t waste it on shit/

face my demons so i can get over it/

don´t wine like a bitch no! drop rhymez on my beats/

wake up the world and learn the blind how to see/

so one day we´ll be free from everything that´s hunts us/

the system or your shadows let´s start the countdown/

I will never bow down and let the darkness take me/

i will do my best so i hope i´m gonna make it!/

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Sebastian A.K Hagman Sundström Lejonsjäl
Läst 231 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2018-09-20 11:24

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Sebastian A.K Hagman Sundström Lejonsjäl
Sebastian A.K Hagman Sundström Lejonsjäl