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ingen titel ,engelska-20/1 2020

I don't know what to say
or what to believe
or how i should feel

But if I only knew how,
how life could be
I might just be real

On day i could wake
and see my hands
and know they are mine

Look at my face in the mirror
And know that the face
staring back is me

I wish all these things would come true
But dreams are for fools
my wish won't come true

If I had a partner in crime
a lover in bed
Someone to tell the time

I might just forget silly things
that makes me blackout
and fill my belly with bile

The life they all live is one
and thats how it is
this everyone knows

Am i the only one
who truly feels
that my life is half

And if so, say why God
why did you have
to cut my soul in two

Or is it to arrogant
for me to see myself
Alone in dark space

Will stars that only shine
half the time
Come together

as one

Fri vers av kalles
Läst 280 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2020-01-20 18:02

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