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Opionions by thoughts-.


Armor, dressed and detailized, show off or for threat?
Scare all the enemies ?
Does it work the same way with people?
If wearing no detail of fit and wrong armor, will they get all over you?
Will you be haunted? Yes.
But, what armor are you supposed to pick to wear?
The most expensive one? The sexiest one?
I thought you did'nt have to pick an identity but as it seems you need labels, comercials and image.
So, I think I pick one myself than have someone else pick one for me.
I choose not to hide my identity behind sexy.
What should I pick?
A steel armor to keep me safe from disgust and shallow?

Fri vers av Cizzi
Läst 322 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2008-11-25 01:21

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