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The neverending cycle of Catch 22

Catch 22

Yeah, hi I'm here about that job you advertised
Mhum, do you have 1 years office experience?
No, but..
Sorry son, we want experienced people
Two hundred times the same answer
Millions asking the same question
How the hell am I supposed to get experience without getting experience?
Catch 22 so real, and so idiotic it's unbelievable
Employers want the best of the best with experience
but experience is based upon someone being given the chance
I have a real fear of waking up 60 years old without a single job
despite degree, certificates, diplomas and an ever aging photo
all because no one said, 'You don't need experience to work for us'
or 'I believe in your potential, I'll give you a chance'
Everyone has to start somewhere, why is nowhere, no chance everywhere

Fri vers (Fri form) av Azaleth
Läst 300 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-05-02 13:30

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I know a friend that started helping out at a place for free just to get the experience needed. Maybe that is a way out of catch 22 ... use some of your jobsearching time just to do something for someone that gives you the right kind of experience. I'm sure any employer would be happy to see someone so dedicated and it might even open up the possibility to get a job right there later ... since you already know all the ropes ... good luck to you!
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