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Until the end of this day

You looked at me as the sun was coming up,
and in your eyes were tiny tears.

Our steps made hollow sounds as we walked down the pathway,
and we both wore crooked broken smiles.

You held me in your arms while looking at my face.
I felt so close to you, but we were literary oceans apart.

There's that tear again, the happy sad one.
And that crooked broken smile, the one that falls apart in the end.

Don't save me, because I don't need saving.
Don't spare me, because I don't want to be spared.
I know what I am doing, and I am exactly where i want to be,

at least until the end of this day.

Fri vers av Klumpen
Läst 137 gånger
Publicerad 2011-04-18 18:24

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