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To be near you

“To be without you is hard. Sitting next to you is hard. I want to touch you. I know you are far away. Would like to be where you are. I want to hold you. I want to tell you how much I like you. We fit. I know where you are, but yet so far away. I can feel you within me. I have a feeling of you. I can here you telling me, come on.

Being next to you is hard. Not touching you is even harder. I would like to be where you are. I would like you to tell me you are mesmerized. I’m in so deep. In my mind we fit. In real life we could never be. We fit. We are far from each other, but I can still feel you. Come closer, tell me we fit. That no meant the world to me. We can’t be. In my mind we are together.

I can feel you heat. I can smell you. Sitting next to you is so hard. I can reach, I can touch you. Come closer, tell me that we fit. Tell me you are mesmerized. You are so far away. That no meant the world to me. I´m over you, but I still think of you. You hurt me. In my mind we fit.” – We fit

Fri vers av I could run forever
Läst 147 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-10-12 23:53

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I could run forever