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I learnt about you

“Today I learnt that you are small. Today I learnt that you couldn’t tell me what you felt. Today I learnt that you would not tell me your truth. Today I learnt that you are good. Today I learnt that you don’t want to hurt me. Today I learnt over again that you do care. You do care. This is why you will not tell me the truth. I want to accept this, but I want to hear you say it.

I want to hear you say – I like you. We are far from each other. We are so far that we can never be together. And I don’t know if I want to be with you any more. I have learnt that I’m not interested in you. I’m interested in me. My focus is of; it feels like my life is a god´s test. A test to see how much I love myself. I love me more than you. By liking you I kill myself. We can only hurt each other. That no meant the world to me. And I know it meant the world to you to. You wanted to save me, I wanted to save me. Stop being so good. I have decided. We fit. Though we are over. I chose me.” – We fit

Fri vers av I could run forever
Läst 130 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-10-22 01:01

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I could run forever