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WE smile and say no.

“We that smile and say no. No over and over again. I never know why I find myself in situations when I have to say no. A no is so hurtful. We that always make fools of ourselves. We that always say no. We that always say no, but would like to say yes.

A yes it so easy to say, a yes is so hard to mean. A no means the world to me. I would like to switch world for an hour, change space. I would like to see you. Your touch is burning. My eyes are burning. We were so close, it is to hard to let go. I can feel you under my skin. You are special, different. Together we fit.

You turned me upside down, you surprised me. It is so hard to say no, when I feel that a yes would be great. Telling you yes would be great. But that no means the world to me. My world has to stay the same. Cannot let you in. We that smile and say no. That no means the world to us. Better to have it this way.” – SVEA

Fri vers av I could run forever
Läst 134 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-10-22 00:59

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I could run forever