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To be ignored

“Watching you, the feeling that my heart drops. Can hear the sound when it crashes. To be ignored, it is a strange feeling. To be ignored, it is hurtful. When I know that there is no reason. If we don’t know each other, can’t remember each other, there is not a problem. I don’t know you, and you certainly don’t know me. Why to we have this void between us?

In another space we could be together. I don’t want to be in that space any more. Today I felt something so wrong, to be ignored, that is not tolerated. We don’t know each other, why do we have a problem? I wanted to know you, but not anymore. I don’t want to be in your space, I don’t want to be close to you. To be ignored is a strange feeling. A no means the world to me. That no meant you ignoring me. That no meant that we will not know each other. “ – SVEA.

Fri vers av I could run forever
Läst 135 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-10-22 01:02

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I could run forever