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I´m over myself

I’m over myself. I’m over being sad. I’m over doing what others want. I’m over doing with others do. I’m over steeling. I’m over manipulation. I’m over me. Therefore I’m over you.

I´m over telling you want to do. I´m over being told what to do. I will continue do what I want. I always follow myself, I´m the only one leading me on. But lately I have been so off, being so off. Something is wrong inside. I’m stressed I don’t sleep.

I’m an addict in my own life, and I use life, I use it therefore karma hits. Karma have been hitting me the last weak. I over use life, I have to refocus. I need to find a safe point, a secure from the world around me. I will not be sad, I´m not sad. I always get my mind. I don’t want to get my mind this time. – We fit

Fri vers av I could run forever
Läst 148 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2011-10-12 23:55

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I could run forever