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Jag blev inspirerad av låten "Äntligen på väg" framförd av Håkan Hellström, Enjoy!

The last day of May

The times are changing;

Every step is filled with joy.

The spring is here!

My mind is like a summer’s eve;

With sunshine and love.

Your kind words make me all soft and warm inside;

I keep thinking about our last meeting.

The last day of May I’ll be whole again.

Something has been missing for a long time;

Soon I’m finally complete.

The tide rises, the flowers bloom.

I can soon hear the grasshoppers;

And the singing birds again.

The sun will touch my face and my hands will seek for yours.

Soon I’ll be home.

Fri vers av fannypauline
Läst 125 gånger
Publicerad 2012-03-06 01:28

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