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En engelsk dikt jag skrev för någon dag sedan. / An English poem I wrote a few days ago

What happened that day..

What could possibly make me feel this way
If you come closer I might just say
"You know, it all happened that day.."
You ask me what and I say "okay".

It was a sunny day in January
Not far from February
All the people were merry
And I had no problems to carry

He and I were in that room
He looked at me and KA-BOOM
Something happened way to soon
My feelings started to bloom

He came close and sat next to me
If people came in to the room, what would they see
Would they see love between I and he
I wouldn't know, cause there were just we

He laid his hand upon my cheek
His eyes were mine to seek
Oh, how they make me weak
to make my feelings leak

So now you know what happened okay
I've told you everything I could say
But if you ask me again, I might just may
Tell you exactly what happened that day

Fri vers av Juicehansson
Läst 179 gånger
Publicerad 2012-03-16 17:06

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